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Ghosts are a natural hazard and one of the creatures in AAGRINDER.


Ghosts can spawn in empty areas in sky and spookcave biomes. However, during its lifetime, a ghost can travel to any other biome.


Ghosts will randomly teleport few blocks away once in a while, attacking every player caught in the radius of their attack area, teleporting them away, along with all the blocks around the attacked player, as well as forcing some of the player's items out of inventory, placing them at the location of the attack. They are invisible, but leave a substance called "spooky" behind (appearing as # in the game) whenever they move, which may be collected for crafting, but disappears from the world over time (though not from player's inventory).

How to protect against ghost[edit]

As of july 2022, ghost attack has a duration of 2 seconds, so it is possible to escape the attack radius before it's too late.

As of january 2024, ghosts are no longer able to teleport through solid walls, so a thin wall is sufficient to keep them out. However, they are still able to attack the player within range, even without a direct line of sight.

When entering the yay biome, a ghost will stop being hostile.


It is possible to defeat the ghost and collect it as an item. However, to avoid spoilers, this wiki does not disclose the details of this procedure.

A ghost will despawn if it either attacks a player or doesn't get enough attention.