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Water is currently an intangible block in AAGRINDER.


It is possible to swim in water, but not drown, so you can swim as long as you want.

Corals will also spawn in water as their only natural environment, and decay if outside of it.

AAGRINDER has a distinction between a water source and a flowing water block. Flowing water can spread a limited distance away from the source and decays if the source is removed. New water source blocks can also be created, under certain conditions: the space needs to be adjacent to two existing water source blocks. Water mechanics in AAGRINDER are similar to water mechanics in Minecraft.

Water flowing from a source

Interaction and usage[edit]

Water can be picked up using a bucket, which can be crafted out of wood. Water bucket is a stackable item, so it is possible to carry a lot of water at once.

Water can be used for destroying other blocks, since flowing water washes away many materials. However, currently it's not possible to gain these as items. They will be permanently lost.

Water can be used for watering trees. By placing a water bucket on a tiny tree, the tiny tree will immediately skip to third growth stage, regardless of biome. Watering the same tree multiple times has no additional effect.

Water can be used as a cheap ladder, since you can swim up the waterfall. But unlike a wooden ladder, you will not be able to sprint climb it.